Internal or External Mixer Mode: REV5, RANE One

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  • Device model (2023 macbook pro m2:
  • Version of operating system (e.g. macOS 14.4.1):
  • Version of djay (e.g. 5.2.6):
  • Hardware/controllers used (rane one:

Your question/suggestion/feedback:
I own the Rane 70, but I’m having an issue where I can’t preview tracks from my library or playlist. I think this happens because the Rane 70 is an external mixer, so djay automatically sets it to external mode.

I’m thinking of switching to either the Rane One or the DDJ-REV5. My question is: Does djay set these controllers to internal or external mode? And with either of these controllers, will I be able to preview tracks from my library or playlist?

According to the setup guides for those controllers at they both have master/headphone audio config, so they use internal mixing mode.


Hi @Oba_Funkie, I can confirm that both the REV5 and RANE One use Internal Mixer Mode in djay.

Get yourself a Rev 5, you will thank me later and won’t regret it. I have a Rev 5 and it’s very good. Maps really nicely to djay pro. Kinda made for djay pro. Hand to glove.


Thanks for the feedback @Dysfunk_DJ