Introduce a Song Playlist Favorites Bank

Thanks for sharing your ideal way of working.

For me I would even say that a bank of 12 shortcuts to playlist is even a bit too low. I would say that about 18 would be more ideal for my way of working.

Hi there folks!
It seems so quiet on the development side of Algoriddum DJ

Is there any progress to report on this suggestion for a Playlist Favorites Bank?

Hi @DJ_Big_Blender, thanks for your continued interest in this feature suggestion. In general Algoriddim does not share timelines or roadmaps for djay development. Essentially, new features are only announced when they are released in a djay update; not before. All user suggestions are considered and carefully evaluated, but not all can be implemented for various reasons. Please refer to the attached discussion for more details. Thanks!

Thanks! I understand itā€™s not easy to manage all suggestions, donā€™t have development make overhours and keep all users happy all at the same time, but on the other hand all the innovative, valuable and very involved users are being kept in the dark now.

I think that djā€™s that jumped on the djay bandwagon are soo brave to use djay (despite some pittfalls) and so are all early adapters. They have to be well informed to keep them involved. Only in that way the will become advocated for the for algoriddim dj for the whole community.

Thatā€™s my opinion. Again keeping all of the user community left in the dark guessing when there will be a new release and what will be in there is playing with fire.

E.g. I am waiting for this playlist feature a few months now, but itā€™s crucial for my workflow in order to use djay (with Reloop Mixon) for live gigs. When it takes too long I will stop being enthousiastic about djay and go to use other software.

Please tell this to your management and let them re-evaluate the release and involvement policyā€¦

Youā€™re community is your team of early adopters. Please donā€™t waste that.

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