Ipad A1416, Ios 9.3.5, DDJ-WEGO3-R, DJC-WeCAi30 cable


We have a problem with the our DJ set.

Everything works with my iphone 5s, but not with the ipad.
With app DJay 2.

The battery sign is not getting on and it seems the wego en the ipad are not connecting.
First we went back for an new cable in the store, but dit not work
Firme ware update.
Check cable for eletricity, works.
took the steps as discribt in the manual.

Stil not working.
Somebody got an other idee?

Dad en son

Hi Michel,

Thank you for your post and I am sorry to hear that.

Can you tell me which iOS version your iPhone is working with?

Also, could you install the “midi wrench” app and check if the controller is sending midi signals to your iPad?