Since the Prime 4 + is pretty much identical to the prime 4 is it already mapped? I don’t see the prime 4 + on the list.
Hi @JunotheDJ,
Thanks for sharing your post with our Community!
At this time, the Prime 4+ is not natively supported in djay. However, we’ve gone ahead and passed this along to our engineering team for further consideration, and we will update this thread should anything change in the future.
Thank you again, and have a nice day!
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I can tell you, much to my absolute glee, it works perfectly. Just no screen. Is it officially suported, i suppose not, but since my neighbour has one i figured id better at least test it and i was super happy to see it work. plug and play. anyone who hasnt treied it definitely should
Support for this hardware on macOS, Windows, iOS and Meta Quest was added in a recent djay update.