Is Traktor Kontrol S4 Mk3 Supported in Djay Pro 5.2.8?

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macOS 13.0)*:

I can’t seem to get Djay Pro to recognize my controller. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi @GerryAnton, welcome to the Community! Please note that the Kontrol S4 MK3 is not currently supported by djay. Please see the linked article below for our full list of supported hardware on macOS:

Also, you can vote in the topic below to add support for this hardware:

Ok, thanks Will that be coming in the future?
Also, I see the Traktor S3 on your list. That should be plug and play and recognized, or do I have to map every button manually?

Hi @GerryAnton, our hardware team is constantly working to add support for more hardware, but I cannot say if or when support for the S4 will come. As for the S3, yes, it is plug-and-play supported and no MIDI mapping is required to use it on macOS.

Thanks for your quick response. I’ve been a Traktor user for years, and your software is amazing. I’m just looking for the right controller. Thanks!

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You’re welcome @GerryAnton. Happy to help! I too was a decade long Traktor user before I discovered djay. One thing I would recommend from my experience is to select a controller that is supported on macOS and iOS as it is great to have the option to plug in your iPhone or iPad as a backup or even as your main device.

Would you recommend the Pioneer DJ Flex 4 or the tractor control s2?

I haven’t used either of those myself, so I couldn’t recommend one or the other either way. This sounds like a great question for the Community though! You could make a new Question topic for this…