Issue with headphones on rane 1

  • Device model: iPad pro 11
  • Version of operating system: 17.3.1
  • Version of djay: 5.1.3
  • Hardware/controllers used: rane 1

Your question:

I can not hear anything in my headphones unless the deck is playing with the volume up.

The rane 1 is get all the signals as i can play tracks on deck 1 & 2.
The headphones work as i can hear the rane 1 output if i move the cue mix to the middle, if i have it full left, i hear nothing.i have tried many variations but nothing works

If you have cue set to nothing, you won’t get any signal in the headphones.

Have you tried unplugging it restarting it and press reset the default on the page that you’re on?

There is nothing set in the pre cue options in the settings.

Hi @David_Bielby,

You need to set the Pre-Cueing shown in your screenshots to Channels 3-4

I hadn’t but i have now.

Everything works just fine now. The old I.T trick…. Off & on.

That’s good news @David_Bielby. Thanks for the update. Thanks to @Nubium for the tip and solution!

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