Issue with pre-cueing and CFX

MacBook Pro 2021 M1
Denon Prime 4
Sequoia 15.3

Thinking of moving from Serato as there are many features that I like, but came up against an issue when trying it out tonight…
I have enabled the crossfader fx as the mixing between songs whilst changing vocal and tempo is so good. This is where I encountered my issue though. When I cue the next song and I want to listen to it, I can’t hear anything as the ‘effect’ is applied and the crossfader is over the other side. The only way I can get to hear it is if I nudge the crossfader slightly, but then I only hear it with the effect applied, such as only drums or no melody/vocals etc. hope that makes sense!
What I want is to be able to hear the next track ‘normally’ and only way this works is to disable the crossfader fx.
I’m using a Denon Prime 4 by the way.
Hope someone can help!

It seems you’ve answered your own question. If you’ve engaged the effect and then completed the crossfade - turn off the effect. Engage it again when you next need it.

Hi @Stuart_Cox1, PKtheDJ is correct. If you want to pre-cue the other deck in your headphones, you need to turn CFX off between transitions. I hope that helps!