iTunes Star Ratings should stay in Sync with Djay’s 'My Collection'

Hi All,

I’d like to suggest an improvement regarding the handling of track ratings in Djay’s ‘My Collection’ after these tracks are imported from iTunes/Music. iTunes is my Master collection and should be the single source of truth.

Unfortunately, it seems that once tracks are added to Djay’s library, their star-ratings become disconnected from those in iTunes and take on a life of their own. This creates confusion and leads to inconsistent information, as the ratings in Djay can differ from those in iTunes, even though other metadata like title and track name continues to sync correctly.

Other prominent DJ software, such as Traktor and RekordBox, offer options to keep star ratings in sync with iTunes/Music libraries. For example, Traktor allows users to right-click on the ‘Music’ icon and select ‘Sync Song Info From iTunes,’ while RekordBox provides a refresh button for iTunes/Music and even a right-click option to retrieve metadata per song directly from iTunes/Music. These features work effectively to keep metadata in sync and avoid discrepancies.

==> So, if you’d also like to see this feature added to Djay, please hit ‘Vote’ in the box at the top left so that everyone who experiences this issue can get a more consistent solution!

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This is the Sync-option that Traktor has:

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Thanks for the suggestion and detailed explanation @DJ_Big_Blender. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration.