Jog Wheel Displays on Pioneer FLX 10

In addition to JOG WHEEL DISPLAYs, I ask that you look into the CROSSFADER issue on the iOS. It seems that the option of changing the crossfader curve (in options). The DEFAULT option sounds like CUT.

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Hi @PRoPS, please create a new topic for this so we can properly track it. Thanks!

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any chance to get the jog wheel display as a Christmas gift 2024 for IOS?
Thank you


Please integrate this !

Why is Virtual DJ able to do this without official Support but Algoriddim Not ?

Same like XZ, RX3, REV7 etc… Virtual DJ has Waveforms on Displays but Djay Pro Not :frowning:


Hi @DJKamyR and @Robin_Richter, please note that the hardware manufacturer needs to unlock access to their screens before we can add support for them in djay. We have reached out to the manufacturer requesting this, but it will help to expedite the process if djay users could also contact the manufacturer and express their interest in having screens unlocked for Algoriddim djay. Every voice helps. Thanks for your support!

Yes, but why can Virtual DJ do it then? They are not officially supported either. You can see that when you use the RX3 or XZ with VDJ, for example, it says “Serato” on the RX3 display. So are they using some unofficial hack and the Serato interface or what ?

And above all, why can you do it with the CDJs but not with the other devices? With the CDJs you have full support even with the displays


Hey guys,

I was excited that this was finally addressed, but immediately disappointed that it was a partial device support.

Since this says “solved” when it obviously has not been solved, is there a proper place/format to get the full device supported and upvoted?

Users her own $1k+ controllers are obviously willing to pay for to have their DJ needs met, but I don’t think you can expect for people to pay for a half baked product integration.

Hi @sone, you can continue to use this topic for upvoting. Suggestion topics like this are marked as solved when they have been reported to the dev team. Please refer to the linked topics below for more information on how our voting system works.

Please also note, as shared previously, screen support needs to be unlocked by the hardware manufacturer before we can support it in djay. Thanks for the additional feedback!

Looks like there is not so many, playing with FLX10, cuz no upvotes :pensive:
Would be awesome if people finds this post, i think we need lots of more votes for this to get it succees ^^

Thanks for the input @Lex_Willer

I think it’s really important this post, not only for flx10 but for all controllers that have a display now and that djay doesn’t support showing a really “bad” message
I am 100% djay user and reading your posts I find out that software with the same possibilities as djay (see virtual dj) allow/display information on the jog I would say it’s something that algoriddim can solve and it’s not dependent on pioneer/alpha since others can :slight_smile:
I am waiting for fresh news about this… good work and thanks for the wonderful app you do.

Maybe @Siyfion maybe there is news :smiley:

Well that’s positive, I’ll keep my fingers and toes crossed. Next time, I might go with a controller that’s not so locked down to pioneer owned software companies, if they continue to be problematic!

Your FLX-10 Jog-wheel screens integration is being voted here.
If you are unsatisfied with the current integration and would like the screen to function properly, please vote here.
Please spread the word.










How do you campaign for something when the platform only allows 10 user tags?
There were over 100 votes for the compatibility and I wanted to reach out to them in one post…What are the options to reach out if I can’t tag them?

Great question @sone. Maybe DM?

The question is if voting makes sense at all when Pioneer is blocking access to the “jog wheel functionality” as @Slak_Jaw described here earlier

Voting still makes sense. As does sharing your desire to unlock screens with AlphaTheta. Our teams continue working towards supporting this. Thanks for continuing to push this topic everyone.

Hi all!
Sorry for my English, I used the translator
I think that from a business point of view, if it were possible to integrate the screens of the jog, many users would opt for djay pro, you would have the closest to the best equipment on the market, because it is worth remembering that currently rekordbox PC is not touch, even if you have a surface, the app is still not tactile, you can not navigate the tracks in a tactile way or load them. If it manages to integrate you have the closest thing to an XDJ AZ, with the advantage that you have an independent iPad to use it for many other things.


Hi @Stonker, welcome to the Community! Thanks for the feedback and input.