Keep BPM Automix constant


Since for whatever reason the support is not answering me and I’ve been waiting for my question for a while, I’ll try it here.

How can I keep the BPM constant in the automix?

Whenever I let it run and it comes to the songs with e.g. 90 bpm, all subsequent songs are pitched down to this BPM although they have 125 and possibly more.

How can I set a bpm to run constantly and always?

Thanks for your help

Hi @phil_stereo,

  1. In the Automix Settings under Tempo Adjust make sure you have it set to Sync or Off not Sync + Tempo Blend.

  2. Also, make sure the Crossfader FX are either Off or you at least have Tempo Blend turned Off

Okay thanks i will Check it.

You’re welcome @phil_stereo. Pretty sure that will achieve what you’re after.

You were right in the crossfade was tenpoblend enabled I’ll give it a try and get back to you.

Thank you


it doesn’t work i have also the 90 bpm :frowning:

Hi @phil_stereo, please share screenshots of your Automix>Settings>Tempo Adjust settings and your Crossfader FX settings. Thanks!

Hi @phil_stereo, I’m following up on my message from a week ago. Please share screenshots of your Automix>Settings>Tempo Adjust settings and your Crossfader FX settings. Thanks!

Hello! It’s been more than 10 days since my last reply. I’m going to consider this topic completed for now so I can focus on others. However, please feel free to respond and we can definitely revisit this. Thanks!