Key lock on Djay 2, on old iPad?

Hi there, I have an old iPad with Djay 2 on it. From what I have understood, this version should have key lock on it, but I can’t see the symbol anywhere. Where can I find it? It doesn’t appear to be next to the slider like in this video:

Can anyone help? Thanks.

…anyone? ;/ tis very confusin’…

@Paul_Kelly I don’t have djay Pro 2 installed on my iPad anymore, but on my iPhone the Key Lock buttons are next to the Pitch Faders in the center. Maybe try switching to different display modes in djay (Jogs, Waveforms, 4 Decks, Video) or rotating your iPad between portrait and landscape.

Hi @Paul_Kelly,

Thanks for posting in the Community!

Please note that djay 2 for iOS has been considered a legacy application since Winter of 2018.

We do not typically provide support for outdated versions of djay; however, if you would like to share screenshots of djay on your device, we might be able to diagnose this issue for you.

If anyone else in the Community would like to share their findings, please do so, as this will keep our Forum alive and well!
