Hi, I am a visually impaired person, using the Djay Pro Programme with voice over on the MacBook Pro. When I tried to engage the ‘KEYLOCK’ function using the keystroke option (ctrl, opt, 5) for deck 1 and (ctrl, opt, 6) for deck 2, it does not work. Can anyone please give some advise on this problem.
Hey David,
thank you very much for contacting us!
I just reproduced your issue and when I’m pressing (ctrl, alt and 5/6) the Key Lock gets disabled/enabled.
By the way, which djay Pro version are you running on your Mac ?
Thank you very much,
Hi, thanks for your reply. What should be my next move? Should I re-install the program? and what are the combo keys (shortcut keys) for the mac to enable and disable the function? I am running DJAY Pro ver. 1.2.1. Thanks Much.!