Library Listing Issue when Sort on Column

Device model : Razer Laptop
Version of operating system : Windows 10 latest patch level
Version of djay : 5.2.10195.0
Hardware/controllers used : Reloop Mixtour Pro

Summary of the issue:

When browsing a playlist (say 100 tracks) using the Browse knob on the Reloop Mixtour Pro, when scrolling down the list, if ANY column is sort enabled (such as “Key”) then after a few seconds (it is intermittent) the listing will jump back to the top of the sorted list. So if you are trying to scroll down towards the bottom of the sorted list then you will randomly jump back to the top of the list, which gets frustrating when you’re trying to find the next track to play that relies on the sorting you have enabled!

I’ve reproduced the issue with the “Key”, “BPM” and “Title” columns with sort enabled. The issue does not occur when using the mouse to scroll down the same playlist. The issue stops if you disable the sort on the given column.

How to reproduce the issue:

When browsing a playlist if any Column is NOT enabled for Sort (such as “Key”) then the problem does not occur.

The issue seems to be a combination of any column sort and the MIDI-driven command to forward seek through the playlist using the “CC 0 / Music Library / Move Library Selection (Rotary)” command.

I have not made any changes to that MIDI mapping, it is the standard mapping for that control.

Thanks very much.

Kind regards,


Hi @James_Gillies, thanks for the details about your setup and the clear and detailed explanation of the issue. This is super helpful. I have forwarded this to the engineering team to see if they can reproduce the issue and offer any suggestions. I’ll report back here when I have news. Thanks!

Currently, when a song is selected in the library and I sort by a column (e.g., BPM, key), the selected song remains highlighted but the view jumps to the top of the list. This forces me to scroll through the library to relocate the selected song every time I sort.

It would be incredibly helpful if Djay Pro AI could automatically keep the selected song in view after sorting, similar to how Rekordbox handles this feature. This small change would save DJs time and reduce the frustration of hunting for a selected song during a set.

Also, double sorting of columns like BPM, and Key would be amazing with a shift click… I know serato does this.

Thank you for considering this request, and thank you for all your hard work on such an amazing app!

Also noticed how DEFAULT MUSIC playlist has scrolling info to the right.
But Smart playlist I create don’t have that feature.
Why not?

Hi @dekoi, I’ve merged your topic with this existing one. This has already been reported to our dev team and should be addressed in an upcoming djay update. I’ll report back here when I have more news. Thanks!

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Hello everyone! I’m happy to report that djay 5.2.9 was just released and should address this issue. Thanks!