Like / Rate / Add a Song to list


Recently I found myself playing songs in DJAY and wanted to Like/Rate/Add the song to a playlist from within DJAY. I’m pretty new using DJAY so perhaps someone has other thoughts about this matter. Here’s what I came up with as a workaround at the moment.

Open iTunes.
Open DJAY.

song plays in DJAY…
I’m reading the name of the track in DJAY…
switch to iTunes via Mission Control…
search for the same song name…
rate the song in iTunes / add it to a playlist in iTunes…
back to DJAY via Mission Control…
click for Refresh Library in DJAY
the song has now been rated / added to a playlist.

Best would be to have some sort of ‘Quick Button’ in DJAY to follow the steps above. What do you think?


It’s certainly possible: Cross by Mixvibes can do this. If only Cross song info could be streamed through Nicecast…grr.


I’ll go into this later… don’t even know mission control…
Thanks for the tip processing :wink:
Itunes is launched automatically when you open djay… but we can’t see it.
That’s why i 'd really enjoy to rate/like…etc songs within Djay directly with itunes slaved… kind of…
