Link Channel Faders to Crossfader in Video Mixing

Happy Friday everyone!

I exclusively mix videos when DJing. Would it be possible to create an option where you could link the upfaders of your mixer to the crossfader control? The intended result would be (1) leaving the crossfader in the center position (or disabling it altogether), and (2) using only the upfaders to simultaneously mix audio with video transitions.

An example of software that currently has this function is MixEmergency.

Thanks for the consideration! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the suggestion @djkimani. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration.

Hi again @djkimani, would you want the channel faders then to change the alpha value of the video for example? Most of the typical crossfader transition wouldn’t work as they are based on one dimensional 0-100% change, where as with the line faders you have two independent dimensions of mixing. Thanks!

Thanks again for the reply! Maybe the channel faders could change the alpha value of the video, but I’m curious if we can figure out something first…

So the crossfader transition is based on a value of 0%-100% depending on the position of the crossfader? Am I understanding that correctly? For example, does the crossfader in the far left position equal 0%, in the middle position equal 50%, and to the far right equal 100%?

Thanks for the info @djkimani. As for your 0%, 50%, 100% question, if you select the “Tempo Blend”, that should be the case yes.

Okay. I played around with MixEmergency to try and figure out how they might have implemented this.

Would it be possible for my proposed Link to Channel Faders button to disable/ignore the physical input of the crossfader? If that can be done, then when you enable the Link to Channel Faders button, the physical position of the channel faders on the controller would determine the virtual position of the crossfader using the formula:
Link to Channel Faders Equation

This equation assumes that a is the left channel fader, b is the right channel fader, and c is the crossfader.

The values of a and b range from 0 (channel fader in bottom position) to 100 (channel fader in top position).

The values of c range from 0 (crossfader in far left position) to 100 (crossfader in far right position).

Thanks for the additional info @djkimani. I’ve shared it with the dev team.

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I would 100% love for this feature to get implemented. Being able to control just the alpha with the upfaders while skratching the audio with the crossfader not affecting the “video mix” would be great for me, if it could control the actual transitions, even better.

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*How can I transition videos with the volume faders and disable the cross fader? Adds an extra step coming from mixemergency and serato.

Hi @Hello, welcome to the community! Please use search before creating new topics. I’ve merged yours with this existing suggestion. This is not currently possible in djay, but you can show your support for adding this feature by using the Vote button at the top left of this page. I hope that helps!