Live-streaming iOS - Output to izicast

I would love to be able to livestream from my iPad is there a reason why algorithm stopped supporting audiobus? I’ve seen a few posts asking about it But have never seen a reason why you stopped supporting it. Anyone have any suggestions how with an iPad only I can livestream my shows



What I do is, use the streamlabs app, and use screenshare, here’s an example

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I recommend Prism Live for streaming from an iOS device


Thanks for the recommendations @Timothy_Refile and @Stevie_Ray

Streaming from the iPad isn’t the issue, I’d like to be able to have djay output to izicast so I can broadcast to radio server Rather than a work around I should be able to add it to audiobus and be done Imagine plugging my headphone into the iPad and djing with nothing but the iPad it’s as minimal as you can get

…but in your original post:


Thanks for the suggestion @2timing! I’ve shared this with the dev team for consideration.

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