Load Marker Cue

Hi there. Does djay pro have ‘load markers?’ Really handy for you to load a track and straight away you are there where you need to be by setting a load marker cue

@Dysfunk_DJ yes, djay has load markers.

  1. These are set on your track by pressing the main Cue Button.
  2. They are identified by the White Triangle on the waveforms.
  3. You enable the load marker in Settings > General > SONG LOADING > Jump to Cue Point > Start CUE

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@Dysfunk_DJ Alternatively, if you don’t want to jump to the temporary Start CUE, you can use one of the other options like Cue Point 1 or Earliest Cue Point (1-8).

Thank you. Can jump to 1st cue as well which is useful as can change colour and rename. Nice one.

You’re welcome @Dysfunk_DJ

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