Local Music Playlists Not Showing In IOS

I have just downloaded the latest version of djay for IOS (Version 5.1). I connected up my Apple Music account and all my playlists come up fine in the new Apple Music tab. However, when go into the new Local Music tab, they aren’t there. All the playlists were added in ITunes, all the music has been downloaded onto my device and I tried the same thing Mac OS and it worked fine

I have the same issue. Some of my playlists are showing, some are not.

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I put in a support request for this problem at the end of last week and got a reply today that they are looking in it, so hopefully they will come up with a solution

Thanks for your report. This should be fixed with the next update – apologies for the inconvenience.

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Im having the same problem in DJPro 5. I updated my iPad (10th edition) to iOS 17.4 today. Now all Local Music Playlists are empty.