Loop does NOT snap to nearest beat grid marker

I’m seeing this problem in several songs - the loop selection basically doesn’t snap to the nearest beat grid marker. It generally falls just short of it, and so it makes the loops sound jerky. I’ve attached a picture to illustrate the problem… The picture basically shows the end of the loop, and how the loop section doesn’t go all the way to the next beatgrid marker (the yellow downbeat line). How can I fix this?? Thanks

Hi Kunal,

The in and out points don’t necessarily snap onto the grid lines. They can snap to certain points between the beats as well.

The main criteria is that it will snap to the next loop length, which is a power of 2, e.g. 1/4,1/2,1,2,4,…

I see kunals point. It would be better if the loops snapped / quantized to the grid . Then the loops would always be precisely on point 9/10 how you actually want the loop to be set.

It should allow me to use the loop in/out option to do this. Doesn’t work though.

No workaround that I know of. In my opinion, this is a bug. I don’t understand the logic of this behavior from a practical standpoint i.e. why would anyone ever want the loops to not snap to the beat grid, and snap to a mathematically calculated multiple of the “loop” region? Makes no sense.

Matias: I agree with you, but if you actually look at the screenshot I posted, you will see that the behavior you describe is *not* being followed. The loop is NOT looking at the audio. If you look at the audio, it is clear where the beat starts, but the loop extends only to a “mathematically calculated multiple of the loop length” – which in fact, if you think about it, is essentially a beat grid. So instead of simply pre-calculating where the loop extends to, the software should look at the audio, as you rightly said - because it’s more important that the loop sounds good than be “right on the grid”. And from my screenshot, again, it is clear that this loop will not sound good.

Actually it seems better this way to me, since the loop kinda looks at the audio rather then the grid, which makes sense if you think about it. Is more important for the loop to sound good or to be right on the grid I.e. Look good? As said by warren the length is always the exact loop lenght you want! Believe me, as a sound engineer, I know that on the grid, is not always better, especially if you consider that on the grid, you might be chopping off some important part of snare or synth sound or what ever you can think of.
Cheers Matias

But it does give you a perfect loop of what ever looplength you set it to! It is just slightly shifts forward or backward to incorporate best sound, the loop length is unaffected thou.

Is there otherwise a workaround for this issue? because also for me that’s exactly as I want to use this feature.

If you ask me the loop needs to match i.e. exactly 8 beats and not 8 beats and a little bit. Otherwise a loop cannot properly loop.
Now, if I had to adjust the grid so the grid really matches the beats… The only logical thing for a loop to do is to follow the new grid.

Ahh, and if this is not the proper dj/sound engineer way I cannot really say. But at least I would expect the software to support both ways. OR maybe at least let me use the loop in and out function this way

Hey there, I actually have the opposite problem with Djay Pro bumping the end point to the nearest grid point. Is it just a matter of adjusting the grid subdivision to be smaller? I’m mainly playing old school funk, mowtown etc which have live players so nothings locked to a grid. Would prefer to be able to loop via the audio/groove rather than a grid. I can do this on the iPad but the macbook version bumps to the nearest grid marker. Thanks in adv.

Weirdly, I’m pretty sure the Djay2 ios version did a better job of looping to the audio and not the grid. Haven’t tried it for a while but I could get a tight audio loop on the ipad but not on the laptop version (for the same track), for the same reasons as have been mentioned. Might have been a glitch with the ios version but wish they’d implement into the Pro software.