Loop length "Reverts" unexpectedly after changing Loop length

I want to report an issue in the latest version of djay Pro that affects the loop length behavior. This issue has been present for a while, but I am now taking the time to formally report it, as it negatively impacts the professional feel of the software.


When adjusting the loop length, disabling the loop causes the length to reset to its previous value instead of retaining the last selected setting.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Load a track in the djay Pro library.
  2. Set the loop length to 16 bars.
  3. Activate the loop
  4. Change the loop length to 8 bars (or another value).
  5. Disable the loop.
  6. The loop length resets to 16 bars instead of keeping the last selected value (8 bars).

This behavior also occurs when changing the loop length to 4 bars or 32 bars—after disabling and re-enabling the loop, it always reverts to the previous setting instead of the last selected value.

Expected Behavior

  • The loop length should imho stay at the last user-selected value after disabling. Also when changed while activated…

This feels like a Bug to me because I cannot think of any logical or helpful reason for this behavior. It feels buggy and gives djay Pro an unpolished, unprofessional feel when using it in a live setting. This makes looping less intuitive and disrupts workflow.

I have attached a video demonstration of the issue for clarity.

I hope this can be addressed in an upcoming update. Please let me know if you need any further details.

Best regards,

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Here are my details

Device: MacBook Pro (16", 2019)
Operating system: Apple Os / Sanoma 14.7.3.
Djay version: Djay Pro 5.2.10.
Hardware/controllers used: Reloop Mixon Pro 8 (not used in this example)

I actually like the way that this works. I like my default Loop length to be 16 bars and sometimes I make the loop smaller and small, smaller and small smaller for a build up and then when I disable the loop I liked it jumped back to 16 bars. It would be nice if there was an option to control it going back to default or not.

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Actually I like this behaviour as well. I prefer loops alwas at 16 bats. But nevertheless, there should be an option to configure that, what Big Blender is saying is valid.

i can see the problem arising if the looplength change is used with a knob as opposed to a encoder…
eventually the knob will hit the wall…
a option to toggle “remember last loop length” is probably helpful