Looping problem. exits loop on own.

Yes ive had exactly same thing! Mixing while current song is in 8 bar loop & noticed loop had deactivated! I thought it was maybe me touching something accidentally taking loop off! But its happening all the time now! No neural mix just straight forward mixing!
Numark controller with iPad pro

The loop failure happens from a response and normally if I hit loop I am definitely multi tasking. So yes I agree

Last night at a geek, this happened many times.

Again last night during my 3 1/2 hour gig, it happened a few times where he exits a loop on its own but visually I can still see the loops in place

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Thanks for the additional info @Nubium

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again tonight with the latest app update

Same thing happened at my gig today also it beat jumped randomly a few times

Itā€™s like a ghost is standing there pressing buttonsā€¦. I canā€™t trust it professionally at the moment. Hope this worked out soon

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Thanks for the additional info @Five-0. This almost sounds like interference. Are you using a high quality USB cable with ferrite magnets on either end? Is your device and controller plugged into a high quality power bar/surge protector?

Yes all original apple productsā€¦ā€¦and my back up cables are brand new . So I switch them out including power bricks and same results. Even when I switched to my M1 Mac book pro for my gig yesterday I had the same problems. Itā€™s been ok but these last 2 updates have been a nightmare for my setup. Rev 1, Rev 5, and on a venues flx10 same thing. The only thing I havenā€™t tried was turning the Bluetooth offā€¦. Iā€™ll try that. Because after the update when yā€™all added the new Bluetooth Hercules controller thatā€™s when my iuuses started

Okay thanks for the additional details @Five-0. Please report back if Bluetooth OFF helps. Thanks again!

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