Lossless Streaming and Offline Library for Apple Music streaming

I’d like to stream lossless audio (e.g. in ALAC format) with my Apple Music subscription in djay.

I’d like to save those lossless tracks to an offline library.

Failing the offline library, I’d still like to have lossless audio streaming.

I believe this is likely a slow political/business effort to implement – especially the offline library.

I couldn’t find this subject in the Suggestions forum for voting, so here it is – vote if you want this too.


Thanks for the suggestions @lief. I have forwarded them to the dev team for consideration.

No problem and – thanks!

I’m assuming this thread is still open for voting. I know votes only carry some weight regarding the success of a suggestion being implemented. Just wondering about the status of the thread’s “votability”.

You’re welcome @lief. Yes, the thread will remain open for voting. We mark these topics as Solved when they have been shared with the dev team.