Lyrics Karaoke display like VirtualDj


Just tried DJAY PRO 5.0 : great

But don’t understand why .lrc files (lyrics) can’t not be displayed in DJAY video mode.

For example in VIRTUALDJ 2023 :

detect :


if files have the same name with et .lrc, VirtualDJ read .lrc lyrics fils with the audio file in VIDEO mode.

(Like media player windows r VLC or free sofwtare)

Don’t understand why it’s impossible in DJAY PRO 5.0 ? It’s would be easy to you developpers to add this great feature in few seconds… with your great and best stems for great Karaoke party…


Olivier F.


Hi @Olivier_Frappier, thanks for the suggestion! I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration. Please use the blue Vote button at the top left of this page so our dev team can gauge user demand for the feature.

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Tidal have lyrics and Apple music lyrics on their server.

Apple sing use lyrics on iphone and ipad. (Apple music app)

Feature : an parternship with Apple , to use Apple music sing lyrics, inside DJAY pro video

Tidal will hace soon a Stems DJ subscription . Why not a apple Music ? DJ subsciptions with stems and lyrics karaoke video ? (lyrics from existing lyrins on apple music server and vocal separation with DJAY pro Audioshake stems)



Hi @Olivier_Frappier, thanks for the additional suggestion. I have reopened your original Karaoke request and merged this new topic with it to keep these ideas together.