M-VAVE SMC-Mixer Wireless MIDI Controller and Vangoa Wireless Midi Controller Mixer are the same 8 fader midi controller.
(also Korg nanoKONTROL2)
Device model (iPad Air M2):
Version of operating system (iOS 14):
Version of djay (5.2.7):
Hardware/controllers used (Vangoa / SMC):
Connection Type (USB-C):
Is there a way to press a button and toggle the eight faders for decks 1/3 or 2/4?
Currently: General > Select Deck (1-4) only works for one deck at a time.
I want four faders for a deck and a separate four faders for other deck at the same time.
I did map four faders to deck 1 and four faders to deck 2 but then I canʻt switch the faders to work with decks 3 & 4.
How does the Mixtour Pro toggle between decks 1/3 and 2/4?
Is there away to map a button to toggle between saved midi configurations?
It would help if you tell us what operating system you are using and how you’re connected (using Bluetooth vs wired)
I think the devices you mentioned has that functionality of layers built in.
I also have the smc mixer and it has two modes which show up as two devices (I’m using wired connection on a windows device)
This is normally used to control your daw and those midi values cannot be changed even with the editor app
Smc-mixer-private- this is the standard mode
You can map each independently
For example
Smc private - decks 1/2
Smc master - decks 3/4
You switch to the master by pressing shift + left arrow
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Thanks for the reply. Like the idea but its not working for me.
Have you successfully used layers?
when I press pressing shift + left arrow nothing happens.
how to switch from master to private?
You probably need to MIDI map the Controller Shift Key button in djay first.
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I had not thought of the idea until you mentioned it to be honest. But its a great idea and im working on putting it into use.
All of my mappings are for bluetooth connection on Ipad the mappings i have for wired connection are on windows but should work the same for Ipad.
I was able to map the faders no problem to Decks 1/2 in User mode and Decks 3/4 in Daw mode However the other mappings have some overlap that i will need to work around. Since DAW Mode cannot be changed i will need to change USER mode to work around the Midi Values that Daw mode assigns (I may have previously changed them and caused myself a headache now
you can switch between the modes by pressing shift + Left arrow or Shift + Right arrow
Hold down the Shift button and the corresponding button will be highlighted to indicate what mode you are on, if the left arrow is highlighted then you are in DAW Mode If the Right arrow is highlighted then you are in USER mode
It seems to work a little weird on Ipad, both devices respond no matter what mode you are in so you may be able to just map one of the devices (master or private) and get away with it.
This picture shows the successful mapping
I mapped the Neural Mix Volume 1-4 to four faders on the left and four faders on the right of the device
User Mode decks 1/2
-Midi values:CC102 -109
DAW Mode Decks 3/4
Midi Values:Pitch (the faders are assigned as a Note in channel 1 in this mode) I dont know if this affects their use yet i havent noticed a major difference so far
When using bluetooth there is only one device [SMC-Mixer Bluetooth] and no need to have two separate mapping files. Both modes work they just use different mappings for the buttons (again make sure theres no overlap and you should be fine)
If you go into Cubesuite App: IOS
MidiSuite App: Mac/Windows you will see the option for “DAW Mode” that can act as your second layer for decks 3/4