MAC OS Automix start end cue points

I can set an automix start or end point cue without problems, but if i try to reset or owerwrite them I can’t do it.

Hi @Lorenzo_Foligna, to delete an Automix Start or Ens point:

  1. First select the Pencil edit icon then,
  2. Press the X to delete

If I click on Pencil, it come blue, but the x option is not present.

Hi @Lorenzo_Foligna,

  1. What OS and version are you using?
  2. What version of djay Pro are you using?
  3. Please provide a screen shot of the issue so I can share this with the engineering team. Thanks!

I have upgraded to release 5.3 and now the problem is solved, i can see the
x option to delete the automix cue points. TKS.

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@Lorenzo_Foligna you’re welcome. Thanks for letting me know.

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