Mackie Control Universal

Yesterday, I designed and soldered up a simple rotary encoder controller with an Arduino that was running the Control Surface library. When I first plugged it in, the encoders behaved strangely, jumping down to zero when rotated CCW, but normally CW. I then was able to go and change how the encoder talks to the computer in the Arduino code, changing it from “Mackie Control Universal” to “Two’s Complement” (The example I was working off of can be found here) and that seemed to fix everything.

That being said, I recently got a cheap midi controller that has this exact issue, but unfortunately I am not able to change the settings of the rotary encoders on this one. Any idea how I can work around this?

The midi Swiss army knife can probably help, but it’s likely an overkill.

Have you tried changing the control type of the encoder mapping in djay?

I was able to get it to work! I found the software to map the midi controller and set it to “CC” mode (as opposed to DAW mode) and was able to get the knobs to function correctly. Hope this helps someone else in the future!