Is there a work around or method i’m unaware of that would allow a metronome (or a loop) to act act a click track on a separate audio output? I play instruments over DJing, and would love an internal way to do so.
I am not aware of a way to do this inside the software, but I would suggest trying to use a piece of metronome software that has Ableton Link support (maybe just using a DAW with the metronome on), and link the BPM to djay with Ableton Link.
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Hi @thedrummingdj, the Metronome is available in djay for macOS when you enable the Sampler Mode. Please see screenshot below from the djay user manual:
The Metronome cannot, however, be assigned to a separate audio output within djay. I hope that helps!
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helpful knowing it doesn’t exist! hope it does someday!