Microphone connection on iOS

I noted " * Microphone input: Along with macOS, iOS devices now support microphone input" in the last release. I haven’t found details in the manual or other releases on what this means, exactly.

My ideal is to be able to do live voiceover via a mic connected to the iPad as music is playing all direct to external speakers. Is this supported? If so, what are the details on how to make that happen?

Hey @escorpius ,

Thank you for writing about this here in the Community. We appreciate your input!

First, just to confirm: I have moved your post to a different category (Suggestions), so that it can better the right type of attention, considering it’s an interesting request :slight_smile:

I am also writing to let you know that, at the moment, a viable (and perhaps the most practical) setup to achieve your goal would be to have your mic connected to a controller, while also having the external speakers connected to the controller.

Otherwise (or without an additional device like an audio interface), you won’t be able to connect both (mic and speakers) to your iOS device at the same time.

With that said, I have taken note of your feedback, and I will share it with our Dev Team, for further consideration.

Once more thanks for writing. Cheers :slight_smile:

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