MIDI Bug with Reloop Mixon 8

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  1. Device model: iPad Pro 1st Gen
  2. Version of operating system: iOS 17.3.1
  3. Version of djay : 5.1.3
  4. Hardware/controllers used: Mixon 8 Pro

Summary of the issue:

I have an issue of Midi mapping on one pad.
The pad in question does not recognise the mode assigned.
I explain:

  1. I am on Desk 3
  2. The 6th pad under saved loop should command Left Sampler Play sample5
  3. Instead it goes to the command of the 6th pad under Sampler group that command Desk 3 Not set
  4. As a matter of fact the 2 buttons are always going to the same Note C#1 command in the midi mapping
  5. If I change the function on one of these buttons it changes it also on the other one
  6. I tried delete, duplicate, etc…no way…it is always the same command Note C#1 managing the 2 different buttons functions

The issue is only on Desk 3
Any one has a clue? or could help me?
Many thanks in advance

Hi @Djay_Fleg, thanks for the detailed information.

  1. Are you using the latest firmware (v5039) from Reloop for the Mixon 8 Pro (Reloop Mixon 8 Pro - Reloop)?
  2. Are you using the built-in MIDI Mapping or a customized one?
  3. Can you please share a screenshot of the MIDI Mapping Settings for this button?
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  1. Are you using the latest firmware (v5039) from Reloop for the Mixon 8 Pro (Reloop Mixon 8 Pro - Reloop)?
  2. Are you using the built-in MIDI Mapping or a customized one?
    Customized one
  3. Can you please share a screenshot of the MIDI Mapping Settings for this button?
    I attach a screenshot although not sure it helps really so I attach my midi map.

Many thanks in advance for any help that you could provide.

2FLEGReloop Mixon 8 Pro Edit.djayMidiMapping (316.4 KB)

Hi @Djay_Fleg, thanks for the additional information.

  1. Do you have this same behavior when using the Built-in MIDI Mapping?
  2. Based on that screenshot, that button is not MIDI Mapped to any controls so it shouldn’t do anything.
  3. What happens when you change the MIDI assignment for that button to Target → Sampler and Action → Left Sampler: Play Sample 5

Also, it’s a bit unclear from your description of the problem what is happening. To help clarify things, can you please try to capture a video of the issue, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here? Thanks!

Hi Thanks for your post.
No not the same behaviour with Builtin MIDI mapping.
In a nutshell 2 buttons are going to the same Note C#1 command independently of whatever value I put. Other buttons are going each of them to a different Note: C#1 command.
I link a short video recording hoping it makes understand my issue:

Let me know

Thanks for the video @Djay_Fleg. This looks like a hardware or firmware issue. I recommend that you try installing the latest firmware from Reloop twice. I experience some odd MIDI behavior on my Mixon 8 until I installed the firmware a second time. If this doesn’t solve the issue, then you should contact Reloop Support regarding this hardware/firmware issue.

I was indeed thinking of the firmware.
I’ll try and will put a post if solved.

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