Midi configuration isssue

Hi there. I’ve edited the stock Mixon 8 built in file and every time I start Mixon 8 and open djay pro always reverts back to built in one rather than my edited one. Don’t think it was doing this behaviour until I updated to 17.1.1. Anyone else notice this?

@Dysfunk_DJ have you tried a Forced Restart of your iOS device?

Force restart iPhone - Apple Support (CA).

Thanks I will try this.

Nope, still has in built mapping when I restart. Bit annoying. Think this is now a bug?

That’s weird. I tested it several times with my Mixon 8 and djay Pro AI on iPad. Are you running the latest version of djay?

Certainly am. I know it’s very weird and very annoying.

On my phone 13 won’t let me install your mappings or any other only have built in 1 and session. Very odd indeed. Has to be iOS 17 I reckon.

That is very weird. I suspect you are right and it’s some kind of iOS 17 restriction.

Are you on iOS 17 yet?

@Dysfunk_DJ Yes I am

How do I get this sorted do you think?

I’d try backing up your MIDI Mapping files and djayMediaLibrary then delete the djay app and reinstall it.

Thanks that worked in terms of being able to upload other maps into djay on my phone. What about the weird thing of always going back to built in map once restart? Very odd.

You’re welcome. Can you please try creating a new edit of the default mapping with a new name? Maybe also try renaming the mapping that you want to use as your main mapping. Then I would close djay, unplug your controller and do another Force Restart. See if that fixes it.

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Weird behaviour. Edited maps hide in the original map.

I’ve had to go back to inbuilt map as buggy stuff happening. Cue button staying on deck 1. Headphone volume affecting other stuff. Doing my head in really.

Hi @Dysfunk_DJ, I was able to reproduce this with the Reloop Ready, but not consistently. I’ve shared this with the engineering team to see if they can also reproduce it as well. I’ll report back when I have more info.

@Dysfunk_DJ the engineering team have confirmed that this is an iOS 17 issue. They are working on a workaround that they hope to implement soon. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please note if you keep your controller connected to your device the switch to the built-in mapping should occur less.

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Thanks so much for looking into this. So annoying as I love your mapping and my edit. With your mapping there was some strange behaviour of not being able to edit it. When press button it wasn’t correctly showing the right action. Very odd bug indeed. Hopefully will be sorted soon. At least now it’s been replicated by yourself and engineering team. :sunglasses:

You’re welcome @Dysfunk_DJ