Using iPad Air 5 with reloop buddy which is not recognised in midi settings. Gig next week mild stress so would appreciate any troubleshooting tips.
Also using a USB hub which I figured out a while back how to use effectively Although it’s been a while since I put this set (PC option, ensure hub has power etc) but regardless even direct connection doesn’t work now. I’ve tried everything I can think of, so stuck.
I last used buddy about 2 months ago and it was fine. It powers up ok just not recognised by DJay.
Hi @N_C, please make sure that the small switch near the USB sockets on the Buddy is in the correct position to match which socket you are plugged into (PC or iOS).
I tried connecting iPad directly into controller (removing the USB hub) using a data cable (A to C), switch on iOS. USB connection = IOS. Controller powered by other USB port ok, so this is the simplest set up for iPad I can come up with and still nothing.
Also connected controller to Mac via USB B to C (PC on) and it’s recognised ok, so it’s not the controller.
Anything else I can check?
Everything was fine last time (admittedly more than 2 months ago but still).
Sorry, for the smell of desperation coming off me, but I’m really stuck.
Ok, rebooted iPad.
Direct connection from USB B to C with PC on works.
Direct USB to C with iOS on does not work (controller is powered from iPad).
Direct USB A to USB C IOS on (No power for controller).
Separately powered via USB. IOS on - works.
Crossfader (DJay app) is twitching & causing interference on main output speakers on this set up I think this is related to controller connected to mains. Connected to power bank its ok.
Lesson so far is - reboot iPad & dont connect controller directly to mains.
Ok, now working with USB hub as per orig diagram (& connected to mains without issue), so looks like iPad reboot fixed it. Duh.
This issue remains (but not urgent).
Crossfader (DJay app) is twitching & causing interference on main output speakers on this set up I think this is related to controller connected to mains.
Hi @N_C, glad you got it sorted out. Yeah, one of the first things to try whenever you experience any unusual behavior is a Forced Restart of your iOS device:
Clean the crossfader using a can of compressed air to remove any dust or debris.
Make sure you are using a high quality USB cable with dual ferrite magnets on either end to ensure there is no interference in the data transmission (DJ TechTools makes USB cables specifically designed for DJing).
Connect your power supplies to a high quality surge protector and try a different power outlet. Alternatively, try powering the Buddy with a power-bank battery.
The issue with power creating noise seems to only be a thing when I connect controller via USB B directly to power (even a power bank) using IOS to connect directly to iPad.
My usual practice is USB HUB (PC on) and this is ok.
Probably why I never noticed it before.
On forced restart - is this necessary, if you can restart the iopad as usual ok?
A normal restart and forced restart can both be used to resolve unusual behaviour and minor glitches. The forced restart can often resolve bigger issues. In general you can use normal restart on a regular basis and forced restart when a regular restart doesn’t resolve things. I hope that helps!