MIDI issue: Reloop Buddy not visible on Djay

Hi there! I have an iPad Air 4th generation with iPadOS 17.1 and my Reloop Buddy does not connect to Djay (version 4.1.10). Msg error: “No MIDI peripheral detected.”
Many thanks for your assistante,

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Is this a new set up issue or is this an issue where the Buddy used to work but now no longer works?

I had this happen on my Reloop Buddy once but only on my spare ipad,
I uninstalled and re installed Djay and it began working again…

Also try another usb cable if you haven’t tried that as yet.


Grazie Maurizio

I had already done your 2 suggestions… but thanks to you, I did insist and tried with a 3rd usb cable (I had stopped after the 2nd one)! It’s now working.


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