- Device model (13" M1 MacBook Pro):
- Version of operating system (Sequoia 15.1.1 (24B91)):
- Version of djay (5.2.6):
- Hardware/controllers used (Denon DN-HC1000S):
Your question:
Is there any link to all the midi documentation for DjayPro?
I am trying to midi map the output for leds to my controller. However the HC1000S seems to use a different way of controlling the lights. Normally you would put the led number in the CC value & use min/max for on & off. However the HC1000S uses Control Change number turn the leds on/off/blink and uses the min/max values for the midi number of the specific led. This makes it extremely difficult to map the leds to actually correspond to the state of Djay. I would like to edit the mapping file so as to have 2 led output commands sent with specific buttons. Like play for example, I would like it to light up the play button & put the cue button dim & the opposite with the cue button: light up cue bright & make play flash. There are also some buttons for which there is no output option in the gui (it’s greyed out) like cue clear. It would be easy for me to map the status of the hot cue buttons by giving an off/dim output when the hot cue has been deleted but can’t do this from the gui. I also need to find out how to send sys-ex commands from the mapping file to light the unit up when Djay is started. Basically I need some documentation in order to map my midi controller properly. If anyone has any info or links to documentation about how to do this or some info on commands available that can be used to output the state of the application, I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.