Midi Mapping for Reloop Buddy.

After playing around with my Reloop Buddy, I found that the existing set up was a pain to use so I re mapped it to make it more user friendly form me at least…

The changes I made mainly involved the usage of the Shift button,
These include,
I made the High, Low, Filter into traditional High, Mid, Low.
The Filter is still the Low knob however it’s Shift + Low…

I mapped the Loop + shift encoder knob to control the Gain on each channel.

As I usually only use no more than 5 cue points, I changed Cue Points 5,6,7 to Vocal Isolate, Harmony Isolate and Drums Isolate…
Cue Points 1-4 + 8 remain as my normal cue points…

I know that the Reloop Buddy already has this function built into it by using the Mode then selecting the Neural Mix button but I feel this is an extra process to do and the way I have it still allows me to use my Cue buttons at the same time as Neural…
This is a similar set up to how I mapped my Rane One controller and makes it easier to use, for me at least…


Hi @maurizio_T,

Thanks for posting this in the Community. It’s great to hear that with these subtle changes you managed to improve your djay experience on the Reloop Buddy.

Maybe some other users would be interested in using your mapping. Would you be OK with sharing it?

Cheers, G

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Hi Guillermo, yeah sure I’m happy to share my mapping,
How do I do that?

One of the best places to share midi mappings is here: https://maps.djtechtools.com/
but maybe Guillermo has another suggestion…


Yeah, DJ Techtools is the best place to share this:)

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Hey @maurizio_T,

Now that we’ve added a way to share MIDI mappings in the Community, maybe you can upload your Reloop Buddy mapping here too. :smiley:

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No problem…
Here is my Midi map for the Reloop Buddy…

See my first post to see what edits were made…

Hope this helps.

Reloop Buddy Edit.djayMidiMapping (141.3 KB)


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