MIDI Mapping Pioneer DJM-900 NXS 2 To DJAY PRO

Hi there

any one of you, use 900NXS 2 with DJAY PRO? If so, would you be so kind to share which knobs, buttons are mappable on PDJM900NXS2 with Djay Pro, please? I couldn’t found nothing about that on Algoriddim site.

Thanks, appreciate that

Algorridim won’t have information, as it’s a Pioneer product. Google results tell me almost everything is mappable, but what would you want to map?

It’s an external hardware mixer, so you would set DJay to external mode and send outputs from each deck to a mixer channel and mix with the hardware.

Actually I use X96 as external mixer with iPad, by the way, JFYI Algoriddim should has information about as their app Djay Pro how mappable to their supported mixers as one of 900NXS! PK, what google result you’ve got, can you share it?

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None of you use 900NXS?

I think most people are using DJay with a controller, or if they use an external mixer then they are not mapping anything (because it’s not a controller).

I use it. it is almost everything mappable, but consider that it is set up as an external mixer for djaypro, so if you map the upfaders, for ex., for neaural mix use, moving the knobs also affect the channel equalization. Anyway i suggest that you only map commands you don’t use for audio channel

Just tested it with S11 mixer, it works perfectly. Will test 900 soon but have had easy mapping with other midi controllers and Djay pro.
Next step is CDJ integration still can’t believe we’re not there yet