midi out on polyrhytmic loop 1/3 and 3/4 not working correctly

Using external midi to engage auto loop. Everything works perfect except two buttons:

for each control type button i use the “Hold” option

Midi out on polyrhytmic 1/3 and 3/4 not working correctly:
Note C3 Selected deck Auto Loop 1/3 midi out channel 1 / Note on/off / 48
Note C#3 Selected deck Auto Loop 3/4 midi out channel 1 / Note on/off / 49
When Auto Loop 1/3 is active and i switch to Auto Loop 3/4, Auto Loop 1/3 is not “turned off”.

To compare as an example:
Note F#2 Selected deck Auto Loop 1 midi out channel 1 / Note on/off / 42
Note E5 Selected deck Auto Loop 3/2 midi out channel 1 / Note on/off / 76
Working just fine: Auto Loop 1 ON → Auto Loop 3/2 turns off and switching back to Auto Loop 3/2 turns off Auto Loop 1

Pressing the midi out “Test” button on each button works as expected.

mac mini, macos sonoma, djay pro 5.2.2

i also found this on the polyrhythmic page, don’t know if it has anything to do with it


so externally i send midi to get polyrhythmic loop and then adjust the loop in djay itself…