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Device model: MasOS Sonoma
Version of operating system: Sonoma
Version of djay: 5.2.8
Hardware/controllers used: Reloop Mixon 8 Pro
Djay was not recognizing 95% of my music library. All songs were greyed out and non-playable.
Troubleshooting I removed all files and loaded them back in. All songs are no playable as expected however my custom playlists are wiped out. Blank with no files in them.
Is there a way to restore my custom playlists? My smart playlists are fine, just not the custom playlists.
Music is imported into My Collection. Not using iTunes
Songs are stored on an external drive
Custom playlists were created in My Collection. All music files are .mp3 format
Attached is a screen shot of what I see after re-importing. Highlighted is one of my custom playlists that is empty. The only playlists that have music files in them are they Smart Playlists. Standard playlists are empty. I have fixed the problem with the missing files by reimporting them, however the playlists are empty however the songs are there, they are in the My Collection directory. Do I need to rebuild the playlist from scratch or is there a file somewhere that can be restored with the correct songs that go into the playlist?
If you are not using iTunes, how exactly are you importing your music into djay?
Are your music files in the exact same location and file structure on your external drive as they were before the deletion?
Did you create a backup of your djaymedialibrary database file before removing the files from djay? If so, you can try reverting back to this database or one of the automatic backups to see if that solves your issue.
Hello! It’s been a week since my last reply. I’m going to consider this topic completed for now so I can focus on others. However, please feel free to respond and we can definitely revisit this. Thanks!