Mixon 4 default mapping

Hey guys, is there a PDF floating around somewhere with the default mapping for the Mixon 4?

I found the original version here but it looks like the old / original mapping. Any place where tweaks are logged?

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Hi @Mister_Tuur,

Thanks for the post!

You can find all of djay’s native MIDI Mappings (Including the Mixon 4) on macOS by completing the following steps:

  1. Open the Finder.
  2. Click on the Applications folder.
  3. Right click on djay Pro AI.
  4. Click “Open Package Contents”.
  5. Click on the “Contents” folder.
  6. Click on the “Resources” folder.
  7. Click on the “MIDI Mappings” folder.
  8. Scroll down to find the Mixon 4 MIDI mapping.

Have a nice day!

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