Mixon 8 - Tap FX BPM

I have a Mixon 8 and. MacBook with DJAY Pro.

I noticed in the latest midi mapping that the TAP button is assigned to a function called “Tap FX BPM”. Can someone explain to me what this does ?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @DJ_STUB, this allows you to manually set the BPM used by FX that are tied to a BPM like the Gate FX. Normally this is handled automatically, but there may be situations where you want to manually modify it.

Hi thanks for that. I assumed it was that but how does it work ? I mean what do physically have to do to change the BPM of the FX?

You’re welcome. Tap the button to the BPM you want. For example 1 tap every second = 60BPM, 2 taps/sec=120BPM.