Mobile devices sound quality vs computers

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Ipad Mini gen6 and latest Iphone
Android and Windows
DJay Pro 5.2
Mixtour Pro


I noticed sound quality difference while playing with my Mixtour Pro on Android phone compared to Windows. On Windows sound is punch and full. On my Android Pixel 6 sound is weak and much quiet. I was surprised as Mixtour pro is externally powered, so I was expecting the same sound signal from all devices. Now I wonder is this is true across all devices, or it’s just an Android issue?

I am asking as I am planning to purchase iPad Mini 7th gen once it comes out, but now I am afraid it may have same sound quality issue as Android device since it is also a portable device. Can somebody assure me that all Apple devices have the same loud, high quality sound (as Windows laptop)? Or All mobile devices (including Apple) suffer from weaker sound?

I want to be sure before I buy iPad Mini or iPhone to play live.

Thank you!

PS> (Funny thing that I am willing to jump to Apple camp just to DJ with my Mixtour Pro).

do you want it loud, or to sound good? or both?
also, youre comparing what equates to apples and oranges - a phone to a workstation or laptop…I’d wager power supplies factor into the perceived difference with the same interface (mixtour is an audio interface/controller), with the desktop/laptop able to deliver electrical current more reliably than a phone, especially when connected to mains power than batteries…
so have you paid attention to this, or does windows just sound better than android? have you tried connecting your phone and mixtour to a powered USB hub, in case that will make a difference?


Thanks for reply.

I am an amateur studio engineer, producer, and DJ for past 25 years. I used all DJ software and hardware. Just to give you perspective.

Yes. I can hear difference between Android and Windows. Difference is with headroom. Even if I change it to 0 headroom on Android and -12 on Windows - Android still sounds weaker. However, my concern is not about Android as I am planning to get an iPad Mini just because I want best and latest version of software.

My question is - Does it only happen with Android, or it happens with iPad as well? I watched some YT review of Mixon 8 and a guy said that he had similar issue with iPad and his laptop. iPad was playing quieter, and he had to push gain knobs more to get the same volume as on his Laptop. SO I think there is a difference in gain/headroom between devices. Which is surprising form me since juice/power is provided to Mixtour (and Mixon 8) from external power supply. So volume should be the same. Only difference are codecs and drivers (Windows ASIO and whatever it is on iPad and Android).

So either I am really confused or there is actually a difference in sound between devices.

All I am asking is for somebody who has an Apple computer and an iPad or iPhone to check for me (and for them) if that is true with Apple devices also. Simply connect whatever controller with sound card and external power supply, doesn’t have to be Mixtour Pro, and see if there is volume and headroom difference between both devices.

I want to be sure that issue is isolated to Android only before I fork out another $500+ on a new iPad, just to discover it acts the same as Android. In that case, I will swallow the pill and stay with my laptop (which sounds most powerful and pristine, which is weird as the sound card is the same and powered not from the device).

I hope it all makes sense.

Best if somebody from Algoriddim could answer that question. I am sure they tested all possibilities.

Thanks again, and I see you tomorrow… :smiley:

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Please Please Please try my suggestion of connecting everything via a powered USB hub FIRST to determine if it’s platform-related or client-related, these audible differences. it’s considerably more cost-effective way to test what the actual problem might be, and I’m suggesting it gets down to electricity much more than platform. (I’m saying that as wonderful/amazing as you find your pixel phone, it cant supply adequate power to your interface like your windows machine does, and THAT is causing your sound differences between them)

Ok. I will try this. I think I have somewhere powered USB hub.

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don’t disappear if this ends up levelling the playing field - come back and report how it worked for you so others, newcomers, can benefit from your experience.

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