Mojaxx is going all in, using djay Pro at his gigs.


He says he gets Serato face from Djay more than Serato gives him Serato face​:joy::joy:. Screens please & larger text size option​:pray::pray::pray:


Thanks for sharing @PKtheDJ

Good to see that one of the big dogs is doing the move. I’ve been dissapointed to see many big dogs like DJ Angelo are sponsored by Algoriddim, but when they play live, what do I see on their laptop screen: Serato…

I’ve been using only Djay Pro for over 2 years now and the best thing is that I use it directly on my iPad Pro M1, with my main setup which is a DJM-S11 and a pair of Rane Twelve Mk2.


Top notch! Big dawg status. Should be made a rep :muscle:t5:



Performer definitely seems better integration than RX3.

I’ve been seeing if I could go all in too.

I have the Rane One, Hercules control mix and akai amx. Been playing around and djay seems worth the investment.:innocent:

Zoom in to see :grin:

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Can’t click on the link

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Seems like I’m unable to upload a pic.

It seems the Cookie Monster wanted it cookies before the upload.

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How does the Soundboks sound? Is it ok next to an EV or something similar?



I don’t know about any other brand than Yorkville and SOUNDBOKS.I’m Canadian and in Canada Yorkville is the industry standard in for rentals and purchases. There is a reason for this btw. I used Yorkville for over 26 years.

The SOUNDBOKS as far as sound quality is, it is acceptable to me and all my listeners when I take them out think they sound good, but maybe unacceptable to you. The SOUNDBOKS 3 is my go to speaker for everything under 50ppl indoor but outdoor it shines.

The purpose of the SOUNDBOKS;

To conform to bylaws dictating that speakers being used in parks and outdoors are Bluetooth and self powered (in Canada during Covid and now🤫) It’s good enough for everything. However,

I set my heart on this. It’s a 3way battery powered speaker that behaves like a 2way point source. It has it pros and cons though so my next purchase (only one for now) will be this; EXM Pro12 - EXM Battery-Powered PA Speaker | Yorkville Sound

I have more live artists so to speak to work with therefore I need a new speaker that can have the ability to make vocals slice through, have their instruments sound bright and double as a studio monitor. It’s a hard pill to swallow for the price and weight though but I know it will fulfill my merger needs.

It’s good to have a high and low mix of things. One acceptable to you and one acceptable to the crowd perhaps?

For other things I’ll rent.

Hope that helps.

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