Not to be crude, but what happens when you need a … bathroom break.
@Mister_Tuur, this is actually my first time owning and using a VR headset. So far, in addition to djay, I’ve been using it with virtual desktop to have a large second and third monitor when working on my laptop. This is especially useful because I travel a lot. I’ve watched movies on a giant theatre screen, done some gaming, and checked out some virtual travel tours. Honestly, I’m totally new to this tech, but can definitely imagine some pretty exciting possibilities…
Hi @jimbobatzke, we are not aware of any specific/reproduceable issues with DVS. Can you please share specific details regarding what isn’t working properly for you? I would like to pass this onto our engineering and dev teams for further review. Thanks!
I can definitely see the benefits of AR in DJing and other industries moving forward. However, that’s not what this is at all in its current form.
And the Orion prototype, assuming we could even get our hands on one, is currently around $10k which makes it even pricier than Apple’s Vision Pro.
Unfortunately this “gimmicky” stuff is about 10 years too early to the party.
Meanwhile Algoriddim’s library features are still 5-10 years behind Serato and Rekordbox. That’s what makes these product announcements so baffling sometimes. Instead of hitting simple base hits to get around the bases, they’re trying to hit a home run every time.
FWIW I thought this app was a cool idea when it launched on Vision Pro and it’s a bit more accessible now on the Quest but calling it the next big thing in DJing is a huge stretch IMO. Fun toy? Sure. Serious DJ tool right now? Not for me.
Keep in mind that this is Gen 1. DVS, CDJs and controllers were also Gen 1 at one time. The Meta Orion is a dev kit and not for sale for many reasons. One of those being the production cost. When these are ready for the public, I suspect Meta will not launch them at $10k. Personally, I see this as a potential evolution of the artform and taking advantage of the latest technology available to us. When I started DJing, I certainly didn’t think I’d one day be connecting my phone to my DJ gear and removing vocals from streaming tracks in real-time
I wish Apple would open up the developer strap with its USB C port to stuff like this. Then we could do this on the Apple Vision Pro as well.
@SpinThis, regarding library management, can you please share specifics regarding the improvements you’d like to see. I want to pass this onto our engineering and dev teams. Thanks!
For the bathroom break, there is a special AR scene — when you look down you see your augmented wiener…
I went and bought the quest 3 last night and played with djay for a few hours in there. The novelty wears off about when the nausea sets in, which is fairly quickly.
It’s missing: key sync/shift, analyze songs, stems, sync, sorting playlists, cue buttons (has hot cues but won’t import from cloud), 4 deck mode (or any other mode besides classic), a way to switch fx without going into settings.
The only cool feature is the headphone cue where you just put your hand to your ear and it previews the cued song.
Someone mentioned that this would be amazing for music videos or DJing tracks with video files and I completely agree.
This was a huge money grab. They already had made most of this for Apple Vision Pro, and knew they wouldn’t have to add much to get this on Quest since their clientele there are beginners and used to using quest for games like beat saber.
I haven’t used it with the mixed reality mode using my Mixon 8 pro yet but knowing how many features are missing, I can’t see it being very mind blowing. This only appeals to new DJs who don’t know what they’re missing and dinosaur DJs who never evolved beyond mixing the ends of songs together, and have never key matched, used stems, or any of the other critical features Algoriddim left out of this.
And shame on Mojaxx and all the other dj influencers that hyped this up like it was something so revolutionary. It’s only a few steps beyond what it already was for Apple Vision Pro. Yeah you can use it with a controller, but so what. You can already use your controller with an iPad or your phone without getting nauseous, and anyone saying this connects you with your crowd more: have you seen what you look like? No one wants to see your pov while you DJ online, no one wants to see your avatar while you DJ. No one wants to see you wearing this at a club so you can wave your hands in the air to make a siren effect that you probably could execute better on your controller. It’s a joke.
Mojaxx said during his demo stream that he was going to take it to a gig and do the first part of the gig using it! We await the Instagram pictures…
Thanks for the feedback @DJ_Venn. I’ve shared this with our engineering and dev teams. You really should try using it in Mixed Reality mode with the Mixon 8 Pro though. Also, please remember that this is an initial release version and our teams will be listening to user feedback and implementing continuous improvements. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts so far.
I would use it for the same purpose as I’m also moving a lot. Do you use it with a Macbook?
Edit: just checked - apparently it’s not officially supported, and there only seems to be a workaround for the 3.
Not getting it to connect to the Mixon 8 via usb c vr headset cable, but works with the mixtour pro with the same cable.
Played with it for a while and it possibly has potential IF they add key shift and stems, fx, and allowed for being able to analyze playlists.
Also, none of the hot cue color LEDs work on the mixtour, in fact none of the LEDs work at all, which is kinda frustrating tying to use it without seeing a visual of your colored cue mark. Also annoying so many features on it are just inactive.
Still made me nauseous after an hour of fiddling,
The sound quality was super quiet in my headset despite turning the volume up, and then I tilted my head back and from there on out the headset sounded blown out loud, on both channels, despite me turning it down. Also the crossfsder would do weird things and bypass the mixtour pro and jump to the other channel.
For the most part it’s boring, being so limited, and not having the VR setting around you to distract you. I do like being able to bring the screen super close and lounge on my couch. But I’ve been woozy and sleepy for the past two hours since I stopped DJing with it.
The holding your hand to your ear to listen to the cued track is still the best part of the experience. I’ll probably keep my headset till the holiday return window ends in mid Jan but knowing algo, I highly doubt they will add those features any time soon. It was fun to try out, but I’ve confirmed my suspicions that this was all quite overhyped and gimmicky… for now.
@DJ_Venn, make sure
- The Mixon 8 is also connected to power with the supplied AC adapter;
- The switch on the back near the USB ports is set to the appropriate port;
- The switches on the top near the gain knobs are set to the appropriate input.
Thanks, unfortunately, the answer to all three of those is Yes. The lights flicker annoyingly on the Mixon, but it won’t recognize a connection to the quest even though it’s powered on, and I’ve tried multiple usb c cables but the main one is an actual quest vr cable and works with the mixtour pro immediately. I could try it with a buddy. Unfortunately the only usb-b (printer cable) to usb c cables I have are like a foot long so that won’t be of much use, although I guess it could help rule out whether it’s some glitch with the usb c port on the back of the Mixon 8, although ai just was using this port with my iPad for a gig the other day as it was the only one that would pass through power to my iPad (the usb b’s would not).
Update: it works with both the buddy and the Mixon 8 using a usb-b to usb-c cable.
The fx paddles which do a basic delay on both the mixtour pro and the buddy, aren’t working on the Mixon 8 pro. Also the strobing lights on the Mixon 8 when viewing the controller through the goggles are especially annoying, and could possibly be seizure inducing for kids.
I was able to go into VR with the controller which was kinda cool. I stand by my opinion that djay for quest is pretty much unusable or at least not very fun for more than a few minutes, without at the very least key match, playlist analyzing, sync control, stems, and oh yeah you literally can’t adjust the grid of songs either, and with it auto syncing everything, good luck mixing in a song where the one is on the 3.
I’m trying not to be too salty about it. If it had a few more what I consider BASIC features, I wouldn’t be knocking this nearly as hard. I guess got my hopes up that I was getting a transformer for Christmas and instead my grampa gave me a nutcracker doll he whittled that took him like a year to make and he’s so proud of it and the rest of the family is ooing and ahing over the craftsmanship and I’m trying really hard to hide my disappointment that I didn’t get the damn Optimus Prime.
Thanks for all your observations. Especially this is probably even worse on the cheaper set and I can imagine you’ll also have issues like these in a venue with lights and stuff happening.
Wrapping up, it looks to me it’s very basic indeed, both software and hardware (e.g. resolution, refresh rates, CPU power). It has potential, but it’ll take some time to mature. On one end of the spectrum for prices to come down and have good quality hardware (Apple) on the other end for the specs to go up with every new release (Meta).
Early days.
Thanks for the additional feedback @DJ_Venn.
- Key Lock is available an is On by default when not using a MIDI controller. With a controller connected you can turn it On/Off.
- Sync is also available an is On by default when not using a MIDI controller. With a controller connected you can turn it On/Off.
- The Hot Cue LEDs and all other LEDs are working as expected on my Mixtour Pro. Make sure you have the Mixtour also connected to power so it is not trying to run entirely off the headset internal battery.
- The headset volume will be controlled by the Master Volume knob on the Mixtour Pro when you have it connected. This likely explains the issues you’re describing. Also, if you don’t have the Mixtour connected to power that may cause some unexpected behaviour.
- I did not experience any of the strange crossfader issues you described. Again, perhaps this is from not having the Mixtour connected to power.
- Some motion sickness is apparently pretty common for some users new to VR/MR. I’ve been told you will get used to it. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones as I haven’t experienced this at all yet.
I hope that helps!