Momentary stalling of sound in 5.2?

Device Model: Mac Pro M1
Version of operating system: Sonona 14.5:
Version of djay: 5.2
Hardware/controllers used: Pioneer DDJ Rev5

Anyone experiencing momentary stall/glitch of audio playback in 5.2? Happened to me once in a practice session on upgrading to 5.2, then twice during a gig over the weekend. Each time I wasn’t touching the software or controller, it was just playing one deck with a second deck loaded. Never happened to me on 5.1.x, so not sure if its 5.2 related or that I switched to using the built-in Rev5 template.

Hi @Rob_Grimes, when creating new topics, please do not forget to answer the questions in our template with specific details about your setup not just “iPad” or “Latest Version”. This helps all of our community moderators to provide the most effective support to users with the utmost efficiency. Thanks!

Device Model (ex. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen):
Version of operating system (ex. iOS 17.3.1):
Version of djay (ex. 5.1.3):
Hardware/controllers used (ex. Reloop Ready):

Hi again @Rob_Grimes,

  1. What was the source of music you were using when this issue accured (ex. MP3 files stored on internal drive, FLAC files store on external USB drive, TIDAL Streaming tracks, etc.)?
  2. If you are able to readily reproduce this issue, can you please try to capture a video of it, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here?
  3. Can you think of anything else that may have contributed to the problem (ex. background iCloud backup running, automatic App updates running and downloading, other background apps running, etc.)?

Hi @Slak_Jaw, source of music was local 44.1Khz FLAC files. Its not a readily reproducible issue - happened twice randomly during a 4 hour gig.

However, I used the built-in recorder and on listen back the stutters are not present in the recording, so would seem most likely a glitch in USB streaming to the audio outputs on the Rev5.

Okay, thanks for the follow up @Rob_Grimes. I’ll pass this onto engineering to see if they can reproduce this based on the information provided. If it happens again, please try to capture a video of it. Thanks!

Hi @Rob_Grimes, this kind of behavior can happen with a poor USB connection. We recommend that you try a high quality shielded USB cable, ideally with dual ferrites cores on either end. I can personally recommend the Chroma Cables from DJ TechTools.

Hello! It’s been more than 7 days since my last reply. I’m going to consider this topic completed for now so I can focus on others. However, please feel free to respond and we can definitely revisit this. Thanks!