Music Source Icon in library tree

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  • Device model iPad pro 12.9 5th edition M1
  • Version of operating system 18.2
  • Version of djay 5.2.6
  • Hardware/controllers used Pioneer Rev 5

Your question:
I was mixing old my collection playlist and I went to mix a track with neural mix vocal and I got the dreaded neural mix cannot be used when playing apple music. Forgive me if asked already but is there a way in library tree to know if track from apple music, Beatport, Soundcloud etc? Thanks in advance

Hi @Dysfunk_DJ, please see below. Note that the Apple Music Streaming icon is Square with a double musical note and the Local Music icon is Round with a single musical note.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: nice one. I’ve never seen that before :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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It would be better I think if the icons were a different colour at least.
I found it to be a bit confusing at times


Thanks for the feedback @maurizio_T.

Good catch mate. Same icon as the library root would be cool as you already have it.

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