Music stops again and again


I bought the M1X-DJ and use this with an iPad model MD510FD / A with IOS 10.3.3 reset. My problem is that very often the songs stop. I briefly hint at it runs a second and then turns off. This again and again. Suddenly it works again. Then not again. I tried with songs from the music library and directly from Spotify. The problem is the same. I have tried different songs. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. But not usable. I mix with the iPad alone with the app Djay2 I do not have the problem. Only with the composite of the M1X-DJ. What I noticed was that it happens quite often when I use the SYNC button. But there is also a problem.

I was also able to connect another iPad for testing. The problem was there too.

Here I also have a video online where you can see the problem very well.

Phillips said the problem was with the app

Hi there,

can you please download “midi wrench” and check if the controller is sending midi singals after playing the right deck even though you are not touching anything?

Hi Adrian,

I am very sorry to hear that.

Do you have another iOS device which you can test if it is receiving midi signals?


If I touch nothing, no Midi signals are sent. Only when the controllers are moved.
Incidentally, the problem exists when playing on the left and the right side.

And now?

no at the moment I have no possibility. but I had ever connected another device and the problem was the same