Must have in DJay Pro
***Very Impotant ***
Offline Support with payed Spotify Subscription. Talk with Spotify development team if there is a way to access sandbox protected local files.
In Spotify it is possible to integrate local files into spotify playlists. But you don’t see them in DJay Pro. It is a must to see them also in DJay Pro.
Spotify has folders but you don’t see them in DJay Pro. It is a must to see them also in DJay Pro.
Managing of Playlists (manual sorting, move/copy between folders, delete) directly in DJay Pro.
create playlists with any combination of local, itunes and spotify files.
If I have a MP3 on my local drive I need a “find in Spotify” function to switch this music title to spotify quality.
*** nice to have ***
- Usage of iTunes tagging and itelligent folder cababilities with spotify