my galaxy tab 3 10.1 not compatible why?

Djay 2

Why… after 11 months… stil not compatible :frowning:

This software is for the Mac platform.

We offer

  • djay Pro for Mac
  • djay 2 for iOS
  • djay 2 for Android (the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 is actually compatible with)

However, as there were serious performance issues with the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, we blocked any purchases/updates at the Google Play Store for this device. We’ll unblock it, as soon as we can guarantee that djay 2 runs on this device flawlessly.

Meanwhile, djay 2 can not be purchased from this device.

Wish I knew…im experincing the same…i think its a Mac App ONLY with respect to tablets

Hi Roland76,

we are sorry to tell you but we still can’t support the tab 3 due to performance issues.

Lukas E.