My wishlist to perfect DJay on iPadOS (for me)

  1. improved stems quality
  2. offline cache locker for Tidal like VDJ recently added (I have a thread for this)
  3. remote wireless camera phone integration. Ie Djay running on iPad, can stream live footage from your phone camera. (VDJ does this)
  4. integrated streaming to Twitch/mixcloud etc. (another VDJ feature)
  5. I think Algoriddim does a great job with beatgrids, but I wish editing was a little more powerful, like setting multiple anchors for variable bpm or live tracks.
  6. Soundswitch integration (like how engine lighting is integrated where you can plug a control one into a USB-C dock for the iPad. Or better yet Algoriddim DMX, its own internal DMX AI lighting control. Could use Art-net

Definitely points 1 and 5 for me

Ohhh I forgot… and added #6
Soundswitch integration (like how engine lighting is integrated where you can plug a control one into a USB-C dock for the iPad. Or better yet Algoriddim DMX, its own internal DMX AI lighting control. Could use Art-net

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Hi @Stevie_Ray,

These are some great suggestions!

I’ll be passing along all of the feature requests to our teams ASAP so that they can set these ideas up for future review.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thanks @NathanielAlgo,
I do use an iPad Pro with DJay primarily on my events. But at times I will use VDJ or Denon Prime. The features listed are the only reasons I find to use one of the other options. VDJ integrated Twitch streaming is much easier then setting up a a separate device to capture the stream. I find the wireless camera is a crowd favorite. Walking around the room with a phone and people can see themselves on the screens. And the lighting integration of VDJ and more so Prime makes setup so streamlined. Stem improvements and manual beatgrid improvements are just suggestions to rak Djay to the next level. You guys have been doing great. More hardware support is always nice. But there are many great options out there to make from beginner to high end hardware setups. So tell the devs that they are doing great and not to worry about the haters who complain they bought a controller and would hope it had support later.

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