Need Help with Large Music Libraries in djay Pro

I’m still trying to fully grasp how some of the libraries function in djay Pro.

Could someone explain this to me:
Apple Music is my primary playlist manager. In djay Pro version 5.0.3, I have approximately 11,000 songs in the Apple Music library, but only 112 songs appear under “My Library”.

I assumed that if a song is stored on the same computer as the DJ software and has been analyzed or played by djay Pro, it would automatically be added to “My Library”. However, this doesn’t seem to be the case.

I’m puzzled as to how these 112 songs ended up in “My Library”.

Can anyone clarify how this works?"

Seems to be an Apple bug I think. Try signing out and signing back in again on your Mac and in sync and sync again on your devices. I’ve been syncing my Apple Music playlists and it was driving me nuts.

My Library is a place where you can take songs from different sources and put them together in one playlist. Like some tracks from the Apple Music Library, external had, tidal, beatsource etc. I mainly use my library to organize the massive collection I have on my external ssd drives


Ok thanks Stevie, but how about the counts then? Why don’t they make sense to me?

Hi @DJ_Big_Blender,

  1. Can you please provide a screen shot of your Apple Music source from within djay with the Music Playlist selected? How many songs does it show here?

  2. Please also provide a screen shot of your My Collection source with the same Music Playlist selected.

  3. Note that songs are not automatically added to the My Collection source. You need to manually add songs or playlists from Apple Music, Tidal, Beatport, etc. to have them show up here.

Thanks for the reply. I just came to the same conclusion as well that I first need to import the playlist(s) in My Collection as well before the number of tracks will be the same.

But then I noted that the options on iPad and MacBook) are not te same. In the attached screenpicture you see the limited options i have on the MacBook version of djay.

(Both on version 5.0.3.)

You see on iMac I don’t have the options there to: Add from Library, Add from files, Add All to Queue and Add All to Playlist.

This is the same when I am in the other Drives like Music of Files.

Any clue what’s going on here?

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On Mac
Go to where the playlist lives (Apple music, tidal, beatport, etc) in your library on left.
Click and drag it to collection to add it.

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Thanks @Stevie_Ray!

That looks a lot like e really good hidden feature because I tried that out before, but back then I did get the feeling that such a feature was not there.

Now that you mentioned it I tried again and it seems that you need to wait for quite a while before the “My Collection” folder “opens up”. When it does you are able to place that playlist (e.g. from Music) on the position where you want.

Also there are not really big visual signs that this playlist drag/drop feature is in, so the user experience is not that good here.

Again; looks like a bit of hidden feature here, so thanks for pointing this out!

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Thanks again for the tip @Stevie_Ray!

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