Neural Mix and Tidal don’t work together anymore

Just got this message for the first time when trying to create a playlist comprised of songs from Soundcloud, Local files, and Tidal in My Collection. I’m cancelling my Tidal subscription. It’s ludicrous that they’d impose restrictions as granular is this.

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Maybe it’s their goal to phase out tidal within dj software. Or they looking to have a pro subscription and charge djs a premium for it.

I’ll gladly pay the premium, but if that’s their goal, they should have had that ready to go before introducing these restrictions. As soon as Algoriddim brings Deezer support I will not go back to Tidal because of the sour taste it’s left me with. If I was Algoriddim I’d be working day and night on it because of what Tidal’s doing, and to get up to parity with other DJ software.

Can someone from Algoriddim confirm that this is a Tidal/record label imposed restriction? This is getting to the point where I think @Mister_Tuur will be right in the very near future!

This was the main reason I cancelled my TIDAL subscription the other day. It’s really upsetting knowing we had such a great integration with playing music videos to live performance videos to pretty much all the music you can think of in one great package. I see Beatsource and SoundCloud doesn’t quite have everything I saved from TIDAL. It was fun while it lasted but this is just ridiculous from the record labels. Guess we gotta wait to see what happens next year for the stream services, oh well.


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Would love to see Deezer support to get around this silliness by Tidal. My pie in the sky dream is for DJay Pro to have Apple Music support (my main streaming service outside of DJing). Since Algoriddim is so close to Apple I do think it could actually happen, and they could even brand themselves as the only DJ app that supports Apple Music, AKA streaming service regular people actually use. (did anyone have a Tidal subscription before they integrated in to DJ apps lol?) Apple Music support would for sure convert DJs from Spotify for the simplicity of having just one library for everything.
Apple Music has been putting more EDM mixes exclusively on their platform (can’t find a lot of them on Soundcloud). This is all conjecture but I do think it could happen.


Spotify did not have the same respect for its users.
If they manage to get it back, they will have the full respect of the DJ community.

I afsked Tital for a status. I Think the more who get in contact the Berger!. This is there reply 31.12.2023.

Hi Kristian,

Thank you for contacting TIDAL Support.

We have received your inquiry and we appreciate you taking the time to share this information with us. Your input helps us improve the overall TIDAL experience for our subscribers. We have communicated to our partners that access to the TIDAL catalog is subject to approval by the authorized rights holders at this time. In partnership with our DJ Partners and label partners, we continue exploring solutions that will allow TIDAL subscribers more creative access to the TIDAL catalog.

Please keep an eye out in your inbox for updates from TIDAL as we make progress in these developments.

Thank you,
TIDAL Support

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This may seem like a joke to “hardcore” or “purist” djs, but a TON of people use this app for fun and for dj’in in ways with current streaming services that keep getting features removed.

I couldnt use this anymore with Spotify, so I changed to Tidal. Now you cant NEURAL anything in Tidal so its basically a wash for me and my workflow. Unless Algo can give me a workaround Im going to remove my membership asap.

@sssetz unfortunately this decision has nothing to do with Algoriddim. This was an ultimatum put onto Tidal by the major record labels. This applies to all DJ software with stem separation. There is a good chance the force beatsource and other streaming catalogs to follow suite.
Spotify pulled itself on its own, as it felt too big for the DJ world and that it didn’t need us anymore.


So where will you go? Tidal has removed stems from all dj software.

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I can understand the anger, but life doesn’t always go the way you want it to. And Algoriddim is simply not the right addressee here. If you are now of the opinion that you no longer want to use Djay Pro, that’s perfectly ok. But to make that more or less dependent on a specific feature is, with all due respect, a bit silly. I also find it annoying that Neural Mix no longer works the way it used to, but overall Djay Pro is still the first choice for me and my workflow, if only because I can use it with the iPad. And it’s not just me.

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Exactly. I think as well they folk truly don’t understand that it’s not the dj software company’s decision. Same when Spotify decided to pull out. There was a lot of blame thrown at Algoriddim. I personally use Beatsource for open format stuff and it’s very good. You get to see key and BPM where as Tidal doesn’t. Plus on another level own your own music and just use Tidal or Beatsource for requests.


I appreciate those sentiments, I just with Alo would be more up front with us. People are saying this is a “Tidal” issue, which I do get legally from what they are saying as their new terms. BUT I did NOT encounter this until I updated my app yesterday and it asked me to use the “new” Neural 2.0 or whatever. Been using Djay Pro with Tidal fine the past couple months, then I update the app for hopefully bug fixes/etc, but now its useless.

Oh I see. Didn’t you back up your device? I believe there has been quite a lot of posts regarding Tidal and stems and not too update if you want to keep as is. Tidal can of course force an update if they want too. There are some folk who haven’t update when Spotify said they were pulling out. They still have djay running with Spotify. They don’t get all the newer features though of course. I guess if we don’t research enough or do some digging and update without a bit of research we can sometimes be feeling not good. We have to take some responsibility though right? Like I say there has been a ton of posts on this issue. Hopefully you had the foresight to back up your device.

Unfortunately, I don’t know exactly how this happened technically, but I was actually unable to use Tidal with Neural Mix with the previous version. For others, it had already stopped working before, while others, like you, were able to use it for longer. In any case, it’s not related to the update to the current version.

Useless is a big word. If that’s really the only reason you used the app, it’s annoying of course. For most people, however, only one feature has been lost, albeit one that many will miss. But that doesn’t make the app useless for the majority of users. I don’t know about you, but I and many others were already using the app when Neural Mix didn’t even exist.

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I get those thoughts, but the “majority of users” is the same reason Tidal removing the feature sucks. They just think the majority of Tidal subs aren’t DJS. Imagine if you were using Photoshop and they removed the ability to cutout images pasted in or something? Sure, plenty of people would still use the app, but a ton of people would be miffed.

I get this is not Algo chosing this, but if their software becomes useless for me–and plenty of others as seen in this thread–there is no reason for me to keep paying. I know its out of their hands, but I’m sure they also could do something to try and speak up for us, small town DJs.

Hi @sssetz,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please refer to the attached FAQ article on this topic. As you will read there,

“Both TIDAL and Algoriddim are actively collaborating to enhance the integration and remain dedicated to ensuring a high-quality DJ experience using the TIDAL catalog.”